News 룰렛 전략ange of Executive Members

2017.03.30 Release
THine Electronics, Inc. (“THine”) would like to announce its new executive members as follows according to the approval at the 25th annual shareholder’s meeting held on March 24, 2017.
THine has begun new three-year business strategy “J-SOAR” from the fiscal year 2017, targeting the fiscal year 2019. With the launch of the new mid-term business strategy, THine has renewed executive members and will move toward “soar by THine’s originalsolutions from Japan.”

테츠야 아이즈카 Founder and Chairman (Board Member)
야스히로 타카다 Chief Executive Officer(Board Member)
Kazuhisa Sasaki Chief Technology Officer(newly elected Board Member)
야마모토 다케오 Chief Financial Officer(newly elected Board Member)
유타카 후나다 Member of Audit and Supervisory Committee(Board Member)
Shuji Yamaguchi Member of Audit and Supervisory Committee(Board Member)
아키오 마츠오카 Member of Audit and Supervisory Committee(Board Member)
Kazutaka Nogami Executive Officer and Chief Production Officer
토시유키 사코 Executive Officer and Director, Global Sales
요시미치 무라카미 Executive Officer and Chief Marketing Officer

Media Contacts:
야마모토 다케오 THine Electronics +81 (3) 5217-6660

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