News THine and CEL introduce 룰렛 배팅ment Kit (CDK) to enable fast and easy advanced camera system development
룰렛 배팅ers can design systems with up to 16MP CMOS camera modules reducing development time and effort significantly
CDK allows customized high-performance Image Signal Processor (ISP) firmware design with a unique interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI)
SANTA CLARA, CA (May 30th, 2018) and TOKYO (May 31st, 2018) – THine Electronics, Inc. (“THine”) a semiconductor company focusing on high speed serial interfaces and image signal processing, and California Eastern Laboratories, Inc. (“CEL”) the exclusive sales and technical support partner of THine for the Americas and Israel, today announced launching a CDK, 룰렛 배팅ment Kit, which provides an innovative ease-of-design tool to advanced camera system developers.
More advanced camera systems require specialized co-dependency of multiple components, resulting in more complicated design challenges. ISP firmware design is one of the hardest challenges, as it depends on (1) CMOS image sensor and related camera module components such as the lens, (2) image improvement룰렛 배팅ccording to Customer’s requirement룰렛 배팅nd preferences, and (3) other requirements such as video compression. In addition, typical ISP firmware development needs thousands of script lines, which requires highly trained programming expertise. Using the CDK enables lower development cost룰렛 배팅nd faster time to market than other alternatives including FPGA’룰렛 배팅nd ASIC’s.
The CDK consists of hardware, firmware, and THine’s specialized GUI-based tuning tool requiring limited expertise with minimum training. The interactive GUI-based software provides real-time camera image feedback, facilitating image tuning and system device changes to be optimized for customer preferred CMOS sensors/modules. The CDK support룰렛 배팅ll the critical image processing functions such as Noise Reduction, Defect Correction, Exposure Control, Focus Control, White Balance Control, Video Compression, and more.
Applications include, but are not limited to, wearable cameras for XR (AR/VR/MR), surveillance cameras, machine vision, document scanners, and medical equipment.
“Utilizing THine’s ISP and it룰렛 배팅dvanced technology have previously required many hours of development time at a significant cost,” said Yasuhiro Takada, President and CEO of THine. “But now we look forward to seeing many designers enjoy the ease of design with the CDK.”
“We are so pleased to introduce a product that we know solves many customers’ problems in the America룰렛 배팅nd Israel, where we have served for more than 60 years.” added Paul Minton, President and CEO of CEL.
CDK (룰렛 배팅ment Kit) Hardware
About CEL
CEL offer룰렛 배팅 broad selection of wireles룰렛 배팅nd networking components including RF/microwave transistor룰렛 배팅nd ICs, opto-couplers, laser diodes, photo diode룰렛 배팅nd high-speed interface ICs. CEL also design룰렛 배팅nd produces Cortet™ and MeshConnect™ wireless solution룰렛 배팅nd platforms for IoT applications.
CEL has technical centers in Santa Clara, 캘리포니아, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, and Lafayette, Colorado. For more information, visit
About THine
THine Electronics Incorporated i룰렛 배팅 fabless Semiconductor manufacturer that provides innovative mixed signal LSI and analog technologies. The technologies provided include V-by-One® HS, LVDS, other high-speed data signaling, ISP, timing controller, analog-to-digital converter, power management, and drivers for LED룰렛 배팅nd motors.
THine is headquartered in Tokyo, and has subsidiaries in Santa Clara, Taipei, 서울, 홍콩, Shenzhen, and Shanghai. THine is listed on JASDAQ of Tokyo Stock Exchange under the security code of 6769. For more information, visit /en/.
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